I for one am sick and tired of blame everything on the coach. Equivalent to blaming Katrina on Bush. Yea he's in charge, yea he's the one that takes the blame because that's his job but gimme a break. For all the hootin and holloring on this board, how many have played the game? Of those how many have missed an assignment or gotten beat? How many have made a mistake? How many have not played at 100% ? I for one can say yes to all those. Ya know what, it wasn't from coaching, or practice, or anything other than I screwed up, me, not the coach, not the fans, nobody but me. So when I see all this whining and whimpering cause your 19-21 year old kids aren't perfect I wonder what the heck is going through your mind. Heck, there are guys in the NFL that make big bucks making game changing mistakes. Is that coaching too? Or are they mental errors, fatigue errors, I don't give a hoot errors cause nobody has kissed my backside lately, or an error in what have you done for me lately. OOPS I forgot one very important expectation in all this, the coach AND the players must be perfect by YOUR standards.
Couple of years ago on this same board I put together a similar paragraph. I for one believe that the guy we hired can fix this. Until he quits, is fired, or what ever I support him and the program. All programs go through ups and downs, I dare any one of you to find me one that didn't. Bama (this one is cute, fire Gene Stallings after he wins a MNC), USC, OK, NEB, Penn St, FSU, UF, LSU, TX, UCLA, Ohio St, ...if you've got the guts to support a team in the good times, hang with them when times are tough or crawl back under the porch. Its darn easy to be critical of the coach cause he's the one in charge isn't it? But thats what its all about, fan ego and no bragging rights this year so lets can the coach with a winning record, national recognition, good program (scuse me here didn't he replace Donnan whom ya'll hated, who replaced Goff whom ya'll hated) cause neither one produced enough bragging rights. Ya'll have a ball, but I for one am still in CMR's corner.