This is a long thread, but it seems that most just want it to be understood that we need more plays in our offence. As I said eariler, why don't we have a bigger play book, most teams I have watched this year have trick plays, I don't think we ran any this year. It just seems to me that these kids should be smart enough after playing 13 games, to have 1 month to learn how to do a few extra plays in case our dull offence goes nowhere which is what happened.
I know some have blames the OC which is rightfully so, some blame AM for his erratic play which is rightfully so, so balme the D for not sucking it up for 2 minutes, and that is rightfully so. The whole team failed and that my friends is the coaches fault. There was not urgency on CMR part to get the players excited.
The are a lot of good points from all posters and I hate to see us getting upset with each other, Iknow it is hard to make people try to understand where you are coming from, for I sure have been there. I know lots on here have a whole lot for knowledge than me and that is why I love this site, to be able to share with so many former players and coaches that know there stuff.
I know some like a couple of others think I am nothing but a negitive poster, I promise, I don't mean to be I just call it as I see it, and will always have that you have to show me first attitude. I just do not buy into talk, for games are won on the field and not big talk from the media. I know alot of you have excepted that fact, and I appreciate you for that, for always remember that I love this program as much as anyone and I just want things to be as they should be.