wlayton, just trying to be logical, there is no room not to be concerned. I went back and read some posts that all of us put up before the ball was snapped last season. Your post made me think, and that is hard for me at times. At that time the consensus was the defensive backfield and the offensive line scared us or maybe I should say caused us concern.
Amazing that those of us on the “outside” were that far ahead of the “inside”. Meaning of course the coaches and the material that they had recruited. In some of the posts the question was asked what we would of course do last season, but there were also questions about this year, and lo and behold, even though we are on the “outside” all one has to do is read every headline on any mullet wrapper or blog of concern and the same questions pop up. There are a lot of folks on this board that are up to speed in my opinion. Can name most or many of them, but won’t. Their posts speak for themselves.
The little bit of information that I get goes something like this.
Watts Dantzler. Mountain of a man, but he is getting shoved around, does not show a mean streak. Have also read where he is working hard to improve. We all remember how happy we were that Dantzler signed on with UGA, not Auburn. We thought we had won the jackpot. I can’t grade or judge Dantzler at this point, but if I am 6’7” and carry a huge amount of weight, the only thing that keeps me from being all that is, heart, or lack of ability. Like I said, can’t answer for Watts Dantzler. I will say this, I hope that Theus is further along than Watts is at this point, allowing for the time on campus for both.
David Andrews. What I have read is that he has that “mean streak”, while that means he is opposed to backing down, do not know just how good his talent is. We will find that out quickly. David has no choice but to step up and quarterback the line play. We lost the “heart” of our offensive line this past season. Offensive line needs leadership, is David Andrews ready to step into the huge hole that is the center position? Can’t answer that question either. Do know that he will have a big bad butt looking him in the face all Spring, whether it be Jenkins or Kwame. Not sure he will see anything better along the SEC trail. There are also others that will test him this Spring.
Dallas Lee. When I think of heart, comes back to Dallas Lee. On top of that, he is physical, Dantzler could learn a lot from Dallas. One of the positive things about growing up with a brother that on occasion you have to have a calling to face off with and I am not talking about “Ice Time”. Dallas Lee will be 100% (excuse my language) don’t use it much . . . . Bad A$$. Really glad that we have this young man back. Reminds me of a center that departed after this past season. Dallas learned a lot from Ben, he will be a leader, no doubt in my mind. Stay healthy Dallas and make believe that the person you are lining up against is your “Brother” from another time. Don’t take that as being ugly folks, I grew up with two brothers, one older, one younger. Sometimes spit hits the fan.
Kenarious Gates. I am going to double down, and put all of my chips on the table with KG. Can only speak for myself of course. KG is going to be awesome on the offensive line for UGA this year. With a running attack, and I fully expect that, KG is going to eat a lot of defensive players lunch. KG does not back away from anyone. Saw a couple of times last year when KG went looking for someone to hit. Watts Dantzler, if you ever come to this board, I hope you read that last statement. Was going to save this, but will not. . . .
John Theus.
Anyone that thinks that he has not been working on his body, better think again. Not only is John Theus a Bad A$$ all anyone has to do is watch the tape with him and Jordan facing off. Theus is coming to the University of Georgia to play SEC football. Nope, won’t start at guard as he did in the UA game. He was hired on to be a Left Tackle and I will bet the house that is where he plays from the get-go. He will see more competition from Spring practice up until the coin toss in Sanford Stadium than he will from 90% of the teams we play this year. If anyone on this board doubts that, I would pose this question. Why is our defense rated so highly prior to the beginning of the 2012 season? Does that not make sense to anyone reading this? After Spring and Fall, John Theus will be ready to defend the left side. Theus is that “Crown Jewel” that all are looking for.
Going to stop here, much more can and will be said. The atmosphere in Athens has changed and I will bet that the defensive side of the ball is a major factor when talking football reasoning, and the changes we are seeing with our team. Sometimes all of us need a lift and I believe that Athens got that lift when Richt and Grantham shook hands.
Go Dawgs . . . Schedule is suitable, coaching ability is there, many players came back for one reason . . . They Believe. I am on board, hoping all buy into hard work and a talented football team.
Will not predict a year when our team will be better than most, or as good as some. I do believe that for the first time in many years some have removed their heads from their butts. Talent wasted will no longer be allowed in Athens. With a schedule such as we have this season, why not start right now. Or, will we get the same excuses as before.
We are going to graduate and probably lose many good football players after this season. Most of the losses will come from the defensive side of the ball. What does that tell me . . . . Coach Grantham did a nice job in a short time. When you folks come to Athens this coming weekend, talk to the young men that are leaving, they will give you the true picture as to what has happened in Athens in the last couple of years.
Maybe next year or the year after we will hear the same things being said about the offensive side of the ball. We do however have to figure out how to build depth, and that depth is not always running back or quarterback or the flanker positions. Much more to it than that.
Tried to stop earlier, will now. Go Dawgs.