Dawg With Style wrote: As long as Saban keeps winning there will never be a fence built he has R.Foster from Georgia REcruiting for him Saban is also after B.Ramsey us just winning can solve alot of things.HOW BOUT THEM DAWGS!!!
Over the last 20 years, just as a team seems like it is invincible and will win forever they fall off the map. Think Nebraska in the mid 90's, UF mid to late 90's and 2000's, OU, FSU etc. Not to say UF and OU were ever off the map but have seen slumps with more losses than one would have imagined and didn't build "dynasties" for whatever reasons. A lot of it has to do with team chemistry or other outside factors. Interested to see and hoping Bama follows this tradition.
As far as building a "fence" around Georgia. It's a numbers game. The metro Atlanta area has a greater poplulation (8 million) than the state of ALA or SC combined. You also have the factor that alot of these kids in Georgia are imports whose families moved here for economic opportunities, have no roots or feel any obligation to attend the premier state school.
On a side note I met Gary Lee last week through work. Former Ga. Tech player I found out and when I looked him up saw that he had beat our beloved Dawgs with a 95 yard kickoff return for a touchdown in '85. Very nice guy though.