We all know that this can be the slow time of the year for us, one of the slow times for posting, not just here, every board.
There will be another slow period after the Spring in Athens, but there will be a little more to talk about after the young pups get to lock horns during the Spring Game.
Allow me to throw this out and maybe some or many of you will give some feedback. Could really get interesting to read and post about the players we (each of us) would like to see wearing the Red and Black (and Silver).
Before and after watching the Spring Game, maybe many of us will have a better idea of what is going on with our team and who we would like to see in Athens and why.
Going to throw a couple of names out that I would like to see commit in 2013. Sometimes folks that talk seriously about UGA football have a way of getting heard in Athens. One of those fact things that I throw around sometimes. Would really like to know what the rest of you think is needed and who we might get.
If you have one or two young men that you would like to see on the roster, put their names up and see what kind of reaction comes from your post. For me, this is not rebel rousing, personally, would like to see what my Brothers/Sisters on this board would like to see happen next signing period. Betting that many of us are on the same page, also would bet that there will be surprises.
Would like to see Brandon Kublanow commit and be the bad man I think he is in the SEC. Another player that I would like to see is Shamire Devine. Think that Shamire will be outstanding in the SEC, hope we don't lose him to Tech or some others. Two young men that can or will make Coach Friend's life a lot easier.
Just a thought folks. As many of you know, I don't like quiet, unless I am sleeping.
Even if no one participates in this thingy . . .

Old Buc is going to spend a lot of time and key punches on the subject.
Good Group, Good Board . . . .
P.S. Aware of many names that I could post in this thread.