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From Tony Basilio's blog:
I’ve spent several hours on the phone compiling a pretty good picture of what’s going on inside the football program at this point in time. What I’ve been granted an insider’s glance to is a program that is wrought with dissension. I’m talking player against player, coach against coach and player against training staff. This is more than just typical rivalries over offense versus defense in the coaching ranks or even personality conflicts. This goes much deeper. On the player side it’s not just a classic division over age, playing time or side of the football. UT football is a serious mess on and off the field.
One longtime member of the athletic department with inner knowledge of the football program told me the following on Monday evening. ‘I don’t know where to start. There are so many issues over here that need addressing besides talent on the football field. Dooley has his hands full. I’ve never seen a level of turmoil around anything the way it is here right now.’
Many were wondering what the outgoing seniors were talking about when they were mentioning younger guys concerned with their own agendas. Well, two guys they were definitely referring to are Tyler Bray and Da Rick Rogers.
Try this on for size: During the week of the Vandy game, Bray was asked in front of several upperclassmen by a member of the training staff if he completed a cursory workout exercise to which Bray shot back in the earshot of all ‘No. Not really. And I’m not going to do it. Why should I? Besides we’re only going to a shitty bowl game anyway.’ Sources tell me that the upperclassmen who heard this exchange were so incensed that they went to Derek Dooley who shrugged it off and did nothing about it. Another source told me that ‘Dooley shrugs several things off including the way Rogers back talks to everybody he possibly can.’ (More on this later).
This is apparently par for the course with Bray’s leadership or lack thereof on the football team. I don’t mean for this to be a hit piece on him but somebody has to tell the truth and back up the outgoing seniors who felt the need to speak up after the straw that broke the camel’s back. Bray could be the best QB in college football if he chose to work at it, but to this point he’s survived on a live arm and limited knowledge of the game. This is about taking seriously being a member of a team and abiding by rules that all leaders should lead through.
A source with access to Tennessee’s offensive coaches says they collectively shake their heads of Bray’s constant freelancing on offense. I was told the following ‘Offensive coaches say it’s a joke how many times Tyler just draws up plays in the dirt during games. He literally makes it up sometimes as he goes along. And nobody is going to do anything about it. He doesn’t listen to anybody when he doesn’t want to. It really is a joke. The plays he ran in the Vandy game before the overtime were all made up on the spot because he claims he couldn’t see coach Henshaw who was working the signals. You want to know why Coach Dooley let the clock run down? Because he didn’t trust Tyler to take care of the ball there. We could’ve had a field goal attempt there but Coach didn’t want to gamble there on Tyler just flying off the script.’
Another source told me ‘There has to be changes in the way this is going. There’s no way we can be successful from what I’ve seen and what I know if Coach Dooley doesn’t tighten this up. And I want UT to be successful. I’ve poured myself into this. It’s frustrating.’
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On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’
On the Kentucky game…..According to Randy Sanders off the record (got this through a couple folks who talked with him in the aftermath of the game), Tennessee let a QB beat them Saturday who was installed on Wednesday of game week as the starter. Sanders told one friend of mine in town that their converted WR had two full practices at QB and only ran 6 total plays. If this isn’t the bottom, what is?
Look, I don’t want Dooley fired. But he needs to clean this up and hold these kids responsible. These young men are crying out for attention. So, today they got some right here in the space. Hated to report it. Like I said, this is a one shot deal. What Dooley does with this getting out is his business. In fairness, Dooley is in a tough spot. That bench is pretty short. At the same time, you can't let guys just run you over constantly. Otherwise stuff like this gets out.
If you're angry with me writing this, so be it. But please understand I didn't do so in haste but did so in concern. Somebody needs to tell the truth. Otherwise issues aren't addressed. Guess that's why Dooley makes the big money.
Tony Basilio
UTK Class of '90
Vol For Life