ogredawg wrote:
May, James, Blackledge and all the other ESPN so called experts(snicker) will be playing up how great Boise State is, how much talent they have, how they are ranked in the top 10, how highly ranked they have been, blah blah blah......oh and maybe just maybe UGA will get a quick mention how we beat them a few years back..and it will be quick....maybe...but that will be about it....then the crap will start about 6-7, CMR on the hot seat...blah blah blah.....even after we win it we will still not get the credit because Boise State is just a weak Mtn. West team.....blah blah blah.....I can hear it all now......
and Carolina......time to talk about them AFTER we beat Boise State.....one game at a time this year gents.....one at a time
Mark May is still pissed off because Pitt did not get a piece of the national title pie in 1980. He still think they could have beaten Herschel and UGA. And Hugh Green was a mad man, but May is a poofter (English for homo...trying to keep it classy here).
James and Blackledge are bookends for the all male version of the Rockettes that play in the little club near that gentrified part of downtown Decatur. The next thing relevant they say about football will likely be the first. If there was a charity I could donate to where I could fight them both at the same time I would do so.