averagedawg wrote:
kentdaddy, I agree, all the horror stories about contractors are, unfortunately, true.
We all get a bad name due to a few crooks.
I have spent my career working on high end, custom homes.
I care more about the product than the profit.
The people who can spend $500+/sq ft on a house aren't spending money because of tax uncertainties.
wlayton is right.
This hurts everyone, poor working stiffs like me.
Yes, but like the mortgage business the recent boom turned lots of people into contractors. The thing just got way ahead of the normal growth curve and now we have a metric poop ton of units sitting empty all over the place.
But your demo should still be fine.
And yes it hurts everyone now, but it benefited everyone on the way up and unfortunately the tab came due. That is the nature of the boom bust cycle. On the way up everyone thought they were really that good, that savvy and that smart.