ogredawg, if Caleb does step it up, plays close to what his original talent was supposed to be, good for UGA. Hope that none of the rumors going around are or were true about grades.
There are several games that we should win and there are 3 or 4 games that we better have some backup. Two to begin with.
You folks have a great weekend. Down my way lots of sunshine and . . . . . LOVE BUGS, ugh.
This edit is sometime later than the post above.
Reading from an article on UGASports about the Caleb King issue on grades.
Earlier, Richt was asked about running back Caleb King's academic standing but did not indicate if he was currently eligible or ineligible.
After his question and answer session, Richt was approached by UGASports but the Bulldog coach would not comment.
Richt then asked for sources regarding the report about King. UGASports refused to divulge its sources. "Then I'll have nothing to say," said Richt, as he walked away.
Folks the bold statement above really moves Richt's stock up on my board. Believe that Richt has grown that set that some of us have been asking for. sadlerdawg and kentdaddy particularly.
Think maybe some of these new additions on the coaching staff have "enlightened" Richt. He seems to have developed an "edge", whether from media in general or all the internet talk about "hot seat". Personally hope that Richt comes out blazing. For sure I watched his play calling at FSU and was impressed. Who knows, maybe we get some more of the "old and new Richt". Just a thought.
This edit is even later . . . .
Wonder how this little thingy between Spurrier and Grantham will end up. . . . and other things to be discussed.
SS will tell his troops how they went into the Swamp and kicked the Gators, do the same thing in Sanford Stadium and this will put an end to who is the best in the SEC East. UGA players can't beat the Gators in JAX, much less the Swamp. South Carolina did that.
We get past Boise State in Atlanta, Athens will be one wild place. No black jerseys, just line up and play football. Believe that the UGA defense will be ready to play, hope that the offensive side has grown up. Still talking about using some of the freshmen on that side of the ball. Makes me wonder a bit about the offensive coaching. Talent abounds on the offensive side . . . . if we can get the Oline together. Going out on a limb. Think that Friend is fixing to make a name for himself. Yep, I said that.
Are we going to replace AJ with a freshman or anyone else? Who will that be? No one. Time for some good old fashioned football. That is exactly what South Carolina did to us last year. Anyone that watched last years game in Columbia saw basic old school football. Hand the football off and say stop me. Same thing UCF did to us, you see what you see and beat the opposition if they stay on the same page. Agree or disagree, we played against South Carolina and UCF the same way.
Show time Grantham. Stop them. Make SS eat that damn cap, not throw it. Winning in Columbia is one thing, Spurrier, winning in Athens . . . . unacceptable. This is not Richt apologizing to Urban Meyer after the end zone show. This is Spurrier running his mouth against Grantham. I believe that Grantham is more than up to the challenge. Has his players looking forward to you.
Yes I do know that Boise State comes first. Steve Spurrier comes second, not South Carolina Gamcecocks . . . . . Steve Spurrier.
I remember SS coming to Athens and . . . . you know and so do I. Don't let that happen again. SS would rather beat the Dawgs than anyone, that was the first hurdle that he jumped when he coached at Florida.
Here is how Buc feels, and I do mean this. If Richt can't beat Spurrier or anyone that has been connected with Florida one way or another, then I want someone that can. Please don't tell me that Muschamp will beat us in his first year as a head coach at . . . . FLORIDA. Muschamp made a flat out statement down my way that Florida would beat UGA in JAX. Line in the sand Richt. FSU with all of their problems, whipped Florida's butt. Will do it again this year. What about us?
Meyer left to be with his family. He also left because he did not want to lose to UGA. He did not have an answer for the Gators this year facing UGA. Muschamp comes in and picks up the pieces and wins . . . . . it ain't a damn hot seat, it is coaching.