AllDawgs5 wrote:
Buc, I have been wrong. Many times. Been humbled by somethings on this board. Even admitted it in the past. However, this whole Richt is the sole reason behind all our problems, is not a theory I buy into. Maybe that is not what anyone is meaning. I apologize for taking that impression. Every week we have a Richt bashing so I figured that's what it was.
If I have been disrespectful, I apologize. I simply posted my thoughts, got called out, and then asked for some type of factual input. I even admitted to being wrong about Sullivan.
I will take up for what I believe. Doesn't mean I am right. Doesn't mean anyone else is either.
I like Kentdaddy and Limey too. I do believe however, if we had a coach that was lunatic that wore his emotions on his sleeve, and was always looking for a fight, that would be Kentdaddy's man.
Will admit stubborness is a major flaw of mine.
AD5, you don't need to apologize for anything, coming from me, mean that sincerely, can only speak for myself. Others might feel differently, but I would bet that is not the case.
What a strange world this would be if all of us had SAT's 1600 or whatever or could kick a football over 50 yards or punt a football 60 yards or better.
Absolutely nothing wrong with point and counter point. I don't say this as a person that knows everything because I dang sure don't. Picked cotton for $2 a hundred pounds, walked behind a mule. Learned my lesson in South Georgia, Douglas, Coffee County, and knew it was time to look at life realistically.
Just for the record, got past $2 for a hundered pounds of cotton. Dropped that damn sack that was over my shoulder and moved on, not before I told Queenie the Mule that it was time for me to ride a Farmall Super 8 because I could not keep up with her. (She was stubborn also )
What I know is this . . . . I love UGA, over the years I have seen coaches, players, AD's, all of it. Some I have liked, others, what can I say. I loved VD when he first came to UGA and turned the program around, and he did that.
Speaking for myself, that is all that I can do, he did the same thing that Richt is doing now. He got very comfortable in his job and from my view point, did not accomplish much after a period of time. VD stayed too long, but I don't think that he ever realized that, nor do I think that he does to this day.
The one saving grace for VD was Herschel Walker. That is a fact.
Allow me to move back a step or two. There were a lot of empty seats back in the day and tickets were not hard to come by. When Erk ramped up the defense, the attitude of the student body, alumni and all others that cared for UGA football changed, UGA had arrived. Tickets became very hard to get.
One of the saddest days in my life was when we (UGA) lost Erk. People that I was privileged to watch like Bill Stanfill or Jake Scott and Erk's list goes on and on made us even closer to the football team.
VD did not want Erk to be the head coach, that is a personal belief, but many of us oldtimers know that VD was always looking over his shoulder. Sadly Erk left for Statesboro, but he made all of the old farts proud. He did there what we knew he could do at UGA. All we need to do now is look at some of VD's hires, then we judge for ourselves.
So I guess it comes down to this . . . . we all have thoughts about how to run the team better, change public perception or name the next head coach. There will be another head coach at UGA in your lifetime, you will build opinions through those years. So, 20 or 30 years from now, you and others can say the same things that I say now on this board.
You will have folks saying things like, what does that old fart know. Look deep enough, and then ask youself this question . . . . What did Munson know, he was and is an old fart also. My only comparison to Larry Munson is this, he is a few years older than I am. Good Lord blessed us with that hob nail boot.
Here is hoping that Richt gets each and every player that he wants. Then . . . . he better damn well produce . . . .