Sometimes people that post on these blogs, like me, are looking for recognition. Never accomplished anything in my life, so . . . . . here I am.
Best way for me to get noticed is to challenge, then members on the board line up and go to their respective corners.
Credentials are not checked, who knows past history of bloggers, just fall in line with what you believe, or want to believe, or want others to believe. If you want others to join with you, first rule is to be correct in what you are posting. If it happens to be garbage, then folks like BulldogShannon come up and call your hand. Hard to bluff on this board, there are many here that will call your hand. Be advised, this is not the FIRST! at the AJC.
If it were only a few on this board questioning what is going on in Athens that would be one thing. Think over the past year I have seen that number grow, not slowly, leaps and bounds. Not just here, check other sites, decide for ones self.
Now, it must be those of us that think we see some cracks in the dike should maybe turn our head, heaven forbid that we see the leak and put our finger in the hole or crack. We know that it will get better because the other side says that their way is the only way.
So here we go. Richt comes back next year and runs the table. If you think for a minute that you are going to be above me in excitement, again pal, you are wrong. If Richt comes back next season and bombs again . . . . . myself and others don't have to say a word. Words like . . . I told you so. Actions sometimes speak louder than words.
Next season is not going to be hard to judge, we are all aware of the "situation" at UGA. As some on this board have said, said in this thread, 8-4 won't do. Take a minute, digest that number and let me throw this out. We beat UF, AU, SC, GT, our losses come from other schools . . . does Richt remain, it is still 8-4. When we play with numbers we need to be very careful, NUMBERS ARE MISLEADING.
Really have nothing to do this afternoon, thought I would have some fun posting in this thread. Hope I haven't made too many folks mad, if I did, p on you.