Below is a post that I made on October 26, 2007, after the Tennessee game. There are some here that don't like to discuss the state of affairs with our football team down to the nuts and bolts. That is fine, their choice. There are some of us that have seen this same act recurring year after year and have said enough is enough. Still talking about offensive lines and other areas as the post from 2007 suggests.
I totally agree that it is not a player problem, has been said over and over there have always been talented players in Athens. It was and is still a coaching problem. Show me the leadership between 2007 and now. We have one decent year, trying to not say much about the "other" years.
It seems, or it is true those that continue to say we are one or two years away from a great team have been saying the same thing since 2007. Have the posts to prove it if anyone wants to step up to the line. Facts are facts.
There is not one person on this board that wants to win anymore than I do. We can lose, but not like we did to Tennessee in 2007 and other teams since. Take it any way you wish, we have seen one big change since Wille Martinez left and that is Coach Todd Grantham, our fifth choice for defensive coordinator. We need leadership and it is sorely lacking from the top.
Heartbroken... and Saddened Good Evening ALL DAWG FANS . . . . . .
I am 67 years young, grew up in the state of Georgia and have always and will always love my Dawgs. There have been many up and downs in my life with the Red and Black, and for the most part . . . . .ups.
Today, without question was one of, if not the worst whippings I have ever seen the UGA team take. Losing is not the question with me in this thread, it is the WAY that our team lost.
During the 50's, 60's, we had some problems. Some of us were glad to make the Sun Bowl with VD, which seemed to get us on the right track and back into the times of Trippi and the like.
Sad for me to say, but this team gave up, repeat GAVE UP. I do not think that there is a lack of talent on our team, I just do not see the motivation needed to play up to the potential that I think is represented by the talent on this team.
We all knew going into this season that this was going to be a Dawg Fight. Today, the Dawgs were there, however there was no FIGHT.
I have been very careful not to say too much on this board about coaching, but here I go. Erk Russell, rest in peace, thank God you did not have to witness what WM put up as a defense today. Never in all of my years have I seen such pathetic ARM (if you choose) TACKLING. Today we looked like Ohio State in the game with Florida for all the marbles for the national championship.
We knew going into this year that we had problems, especially with the offensive line, just did not know that the defense would play like this. The road gets no easier for us, there are some teams out there that play with the same intensity that the Vols did today.
My heart is broken, never did I think that I would witness the UGA football team giving up. I apologize to all of you that take this to mean anything other than one old farts opinion.
Go Dawgs!