Growl, you made the best point on here IMHO: Of his 12 misses, I KNOW 10 of them went right. But its even more than that.
Pretend I'm CMR.
I start the OT at the 25. If I get NOTHING, I'm kicking a 42 yard FG.
On first down I run LEFT for 2 yards. now, its a 40 yard FG If I get NOTHING else. let's see, I then take a knee for a 2 yard loss to make it what it was BEFORE ,, a 42 yarders.
What is my logic of running Thomas left to get out of the middle of the field, then come right back to place the ball in the middle??
I don't know how far right that kick was, but I would be willing to bet at 39 yards it would have been damn close.
Remember how we lined up and went power I against UF?
We did not do that against MSU. Why not start that posession at the 25, and if you are just wanting to settle for a FG, then run qucik toss power runs three times. Maybe we make it a 38/39 yarder?
My other gripe is this: when we play inferior teams, our talent wins out. But when we play teams with even talent, we LOSE 75% of the time. Bobo/CMR will NOT adjust.
case in point: all game, we could not block their two ends. So, when we get to 3rd OT and NEED a FG just to extend the game, what do we do? We drop AM in a deep drop back pass and he gets sacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is what most OC's would have realized at SOME point in that game: we can't block them, and we can't run it. Hmmmm, a couple bootlegs and / or a couple screen passes and / or a couple roll out drag passes to the TE on misdirection will stop that rush.
Not us, the same old same old: By God if our game plan calls for 7 step drops all day that is all we are going to do.
Frustrating. The sad part is, with the east the way it is, and the players coming back, we should all be happy, but we aren't and you know why??? because we all know there will be an SEC game, maybe Mizzou, SC, or Auburn, where we lose it in the same manner we have seen the past 4 years: either 4 turnovers, crappy ST's, running the same play that didn't work the other 8 times it was run.
What is MORE telling than that, however, is the fact that bobo had 4 weeks to just sit around and dream up SOMETHING in case it was a crucial spot in the game. Yet we had nothing. Not one wheel route out the back field to a player that MSU doesn't expect to be thrown to? Not one bootleg on 3rd and 3?
Not one time line up on 3rd 1 in the power I but do the quick handoff to the FB instead of the RB?
Again, apologize for being away. At age 44, I got a calling to change careers and become a high school Math teacher, so I have been getting things lined up to start on my Masters.
I'll be checking in regularly now.