Goose there is one set of keys to the car and they belong to Grantham.
I truly believe that what we will start to see are some of the higher profile athletes head to Athens. Realize we get some, think it will increase.
When you are really good in high school, the college coaches can see that, makes a huge difference if the folks offering scholarships have their collective acts together. Coaches like Saban know that, helps them keep the basket full.
Grantham, like Saban, does not play favorites, will crawl any player instantly if needed, they also have compassion, however those of us on the outside don't see the hugs and slaps.
I shudder to think where this group would be with Martinez at this point. The reason I say that is because I like progress and we were not progressing for far too long prior to Grantham.
See where Tech is doing well and rated highly. That is a good thing. Florida is far above average, Auburn is showing some backbone. Should we get past them, should have a really good bowl and recruiting should go off of the charts.
Grantham guarantees nothing.
McGarity will be all eyes and ears with the three games mentioned above. Like that also, time for favorites and sleep walking to come to a halt in Athens.