ogredawg wrote:
averagedawg wrote: Down in Athens yesterday, listening to Coach Richt on the radio, bragging about the OL.
He was saying how good they are, no sacks in the Tn game.
He is still serving kool aid I see.....
ogredawg, from McGarity's recent comments, don't think he is drinking the kool aid either. Believe he is going to live by what was said between himself and Richt before this season started. This UGA team has the talent to play with most in the East. West, scary.
Want to see everyone, players and coaches alike reaching for greater heights. If we should fail in JAX, there are going to be some serious rumblings on this board and others. Press will go nuts.
How can we ask our players to be all that, when our coaches have not been all that for some time now.
Amazing, WM is gone, Grantham comes in and now everyone including Richt is praising the defense. Not only did we bring Jenkins in, we have a player in Kwame that all of a sudden woke up. Think Grantham had something to do with that . . . . I do. He is a lot like Erk, a motivator. X's and O's are one thing, start touching a young man's soul, things change. Does anyone believe that our defense would be this good under WM? Decisions have to be made at some point to stop the bleeding.
Have said this before . . . we have two ex-quarterbacks running the offense. What is the problem that I and others see. Could it be that something has to happen on the O side of the ball, just as happened on the D side of the ball? Yep.
Don't really care about a leaking pipe, just want the leak fixed. Head coach or offensive coordinator, there is a leak somewhere. Offensive line coach has been replaced, Richt is throwing praise Friend's way as averagedawg stated. Where is that dad blame leak?
Better question is when will that problem with the offense be fixed? Not if, when . . . .
Do I like the fact that we have won four games in a row, yep. Wish we had won six. Do I want to see UGA win the rest of our games, yep. If that is the case, winning out, not counting Atlanta, (which I would want to win also) do I think that we have fixed the problem, nope.
There are many unanswered questions surrounding the UGA football team, hope that our Athletic Director has some answers. Fans and press will demand answers. That is as it should be.
averagedawg, your comments made me think and reflect a bit. Big win Brother in Knoxville, know that you and TN Dawg have huge smiles on your faces. I do.