First, my apologies for beiung away so long. Considering I have not posted in 5 weeks, I do not feel it is cool for me to come back bashing. I will "earn" my stripes again. That said, I think most of you know where I stand on all this.
I will wonder one thing though: On that kick to win it where we had AM take a loss. It was 2nd a 7. Would have been a 39 yarder. So you decide to back it up with na three yard loss for a kicker who is struggling. If so, why even bother to run it on first down?
If we wanted to keep it in the middle of the field, I would have lined up in the power I and given a quick handoff up the middle to my FB three staright times. Even if we get 2 yards out of that, a 40 yarder would have been better than a 42 yarder.