seevee, a follow up on your post.
As far as the team being over confident, I doubt it. Petersen hasn't had the success he's had without being able to make sure his team isn't complacent. As I've said before, they just need to show what happened the last time we met, and maybe show what happened to Hawaii as well. Wouldn't that keep you humble? It would me.
Recent posts from you (I understand internet warfare) did not look to be humble. I totally understand your humble statement. Humble pie is hard for some to swallow.
I am confident we can win, not that we will win. I'm sure you can see the difference.
A degree in internet warfare . . . . I can and most on this board can see the difference. You really don't have to talk down to us Southern Boys, we do take offense to that. Slight and backhanded remarks are not welcomed here.
We've been told more than a few times that we can't beat teams because they are bigger, faster, stronger. And we were beat by UCLA, Washington, Arkansas, Georgia, and a few others. We've taken our lumps. But, in the last three years we've gotten bigger, faster, and stronger ourselves. Not that we totally match up, but we can hold our own.
Not a real problem with that paragraph other than the Boise State schedule. That is the lump in the gravy. (That is Southern)
Since the Oklahoma miracle (hey, we were lucky...what can I say), we've been able to attract better athletes. We've even made in roads into Texas. Combine better recruits with a great coach, and a rare QB like Moore, and you might be able to see where I have the gall to believe we can beat a team from the mighty SEC.
What happened in Oklahoma was not a miracle, even though when fighting internet wars I might refer to it that way. Scooter, that was a ballsy call by your head coach. We have had a few problems in that area that will either be corrected THIS YEAR, or we will find another way to uphold the tradition of a university that not unlike your university, wants to win, AGAINST ALL COMPETITION, regardless of where the competition comes from. As far as the Mighty SEC as you refer to our conference, you finally got that one right.
UGA wins this game by 14 points.