seevee wrote:
Buc wrote:
kentdaddy wrote:
Did someone from Idaho make fun of Southern people? Really?
Sometimes they like to disguise their word play. Goes over our heads, but sooner or later as "Southern" as we are, we manage to catch on. 
Here is my offending comment...
"I am confident we can win, not that we will win. I'm sure you can see the difference."
I was responding to being labeled "over confident." Rather than intending it as some sort of dog (dawg?) wistle code for , "boy, you southerners sure are stupid," I meant it as a chide against chosing to ignore my previous comments about being nervous about this game, and just concentrating on my baby smack talk.
You're digging for an imaginary bone to pick Buc.
First off Grasshoppper, did not call anyone out by name. You have a problem, guess you have to speak up. Have not seen other replies to this post. If it sticks, it sticks.
Remind me a lot of a "Southern Boy" that we called "Slick Willy". Don't dig yourself into a hole trying to explain why you do what you do. "Chide", ok call it what you want, try sticking to football "blue baby". Want to play with the pros . . . might want to quit making excuses. You were given free reign on this board, appears you got too "comfortable" with yourself. Believe it or not, some of us can "read".
On this board we give folks like you enough space to show their stupidity. You thought you had this board in your little blue hands.
In this neck of the woods, we do it something like this Grasshopper . . . say what you mean and mean what you say. Back peddling on this board will kick your butt every time.
Nothing imaginary here . . . takes us a few days to catch on, but being one of the 13 Original Colonies, we have been here longer than say . . . . . seevee, Idaho, Boise State, Zero schedule.
Your turn Grasshopper, love having folks like you on this board, makes old folks "feel smart". We love folks like you, know what I mean . . . Go Dogs? Go Dawgs? Another cutsie by seevee.
Suck it up Bronco, the 3rd, not the 4th that you were quick to point out to BulldogShannon. We also understand that. By the way in your post you mention chosing . . . . in the South we call it choosing. Have a good day, remember, excuses don't work here. . . . . Go Dawgs, Go Dogs!!