ogredawg, it does go deeper than grantham. Whether some of us agree or disagree, folks like yourself don't need to be under a rock. You have meant too much to the board members to not share your knowledge with us.
For damn sure there are many areas that you can discuss . . . . not for a minute do I think that you are stuck on one point. Could post in this thread the numerous subjects that you brought forward that really made all of us think.
I could do that, but if I did, it would take far too much space in one thread to place them.
Also know that you have a "stiff backbone". Don't really believe your feelings are hurt, don't buy that. Sometimes it is better said if not said.
You are responsible for "Game Day Threads". I believe you own that. Rock crusher on its way to Mississippi. It is on "tracks", but it will get there.