duck there is no doubting many players come to Athens because of Mark Richt. Same thing can be said about Nick Saban. Two totally different coaches and coaching systems. From top to bottom.
The fire that we saw in our program for the past two years did not come from Richt, it came from Coach Grantham, and he was called down for that. Grantham coached under Saban and no doubt in my mind that a lot of that fire in the belly came because he had worked for Nick Saban.
We really have to ask ourselves whose system works the best. How is it that Saban can come into Georgia, not say a lot, does not get limp wristed around press folks, he scares the hell out of them. When he is through with that project, he takes some of the best we have to offer back to Tuscaloosa. Example again . . . reading press reports one would have thought that Dalvin Tomlinson was going to Georgia Tech. When all was said and done, he knew after Saban offered months back that he was going to Alabama. Think Saban did not know that, he sure did.
Next recruiting cycle there are some serious young men that have potential written all over them. Wonder how many will cross the Chattahoochee heading west. I have serious concerns at this point about Tray Matthews that has commited to UGA. This young man is a serious football player and could mean so much to us. It will not surprise me to see Tray change his mind. One very good reason to do so . . . . leadership. While Coach Grantham and Lakatos would be his coaches, they are not the leaders, they are Mark Richt's assistants.
Nick Saban will jump all over a player if he makes a mistake, even when his team is ahead by x number of points. Does that create an image that is so bad that players watching the game on TV or in the stadium as possible recruits back away from that kind of leadership. Most know that Saban dots the i's and crosses the t's. Not only because he wants the win, he is teaching the profession he has chosen to the ultimate. Sometimes a bit funny watching a 5'7 or 8" inch looking skyward and screaming at a player that is 6'5" and 275 pounds. That is coaching, not worrying about appearances such as President Adams and others at UGA are trying to project. Call it what you want, has nothing to do with integrity. If you have played the game for a coach worth his salt, he has crawled all over you at some point, any of you that played know that is so.
At this point appears to me that Mark Richt will stay at UGA as long as Adams is president. We might as well understand that not much will change and if we are going to be UGA supporters, live with it. Sure am glad that we got a good Christian man, I am a Christian and believe I could put some life into UGA football, would probably look more like what we see in Tuscaloosa. Heaven forbid we use some of Saban's methods to get there.