Well I guess I will be my same old negitive self. We have subcome to be a team that can not beat a top 20 team. We have the same problem with Fla, we win one then lose 3 or 4. I think it has been 2 years since we last beat a top 20 team. USC will be in the top 10 when we play them and with the mind set our players have playing against a guality team, not so sure what to expect. Lately it seems that we play every quality team close only to lose in the 4th quarter due to stupid mistakes or give out due to the lack of offensive production. Seems good teams make adjustments to us in the 2nd half, where as we just do the same old same old or get conservative. As some have mentioned earlier, we always start out slow, so I to see us falling out of the top 25 by the time we play USC. We will lose to either Missu,Vandy , or Tenn before we play USC. We may have the players and the want to turn thing around, but WITH OUT A COACHING STAFF, THE PLAYERS CAN NOT WIN ON THEIR ON. YOU MUST HAVE SOME KIND OF OFFENSIVE PLAYS OTHERS THE THE SAME ONLY 4 TO 5 PLAYS WE RUN EVERY GAME. PLAYER LEASDERSHIP IS GREAT BUT WITH OUT THE MOTIVATION AND DEDICATION FROM COACHES IT WILL NEVER WORK. WE DO NOT HAVE COACHES WITH A CHAMPIONSHIP ATTITUDE, WE HAVE COACHES THAT ARE SATISFIED WITH A 8 TO 10 WIN SEASON.