First let me clarify that when I joined "the island" I took it as a tongue in cheek type run on rhetoric. I for one have my opinion, and would like to see CMR get back to success and have a long run winning at UGA. He's made mistakes, after all every good leader does. Whether he rights them and learns from them is still to be determined. Bobo is his weakest point on the main part of the staff. Again IMO, he's gotta go. Would love to see him get a great OC, take on coaching the ST, be the CEO of this program and get us competing for the MNC.
I don't feel the need to join "an island" for acceptance or be looked upon as some form of opposition to others on this site. It is what it is, we all have our thoughts, opinions, feelings, nuances, character flaws and anything else that comes about in these forums.
I'm not pumping sunshine, drinking kool-aid(can't stand kool-aid quite frankly), a Richt apologist, like losing, don't want the best for UGA and whatever else can be made of my position.
I'm a UGA fan that loves the Dawgs and has my opinion. I won't stop posting, attack anyone else, make accusations or think less of others here because of their opinions and stance on whatever subject matter. Heck, there is only one person on this forum I actually know personally. Bottom line is we all want the best for this program and have tremendous pride for this University. It all makes for good conversation, but jeez...