born2bAdawg wrote: CTG reacted as a parent IMO. He is around his players more then his "real" immedite family. He shouldn't have taken it as far as he did, but how would any of us handle it? I love the fire that TG brings to our team, if he is gone then our entire team is gone. Also heard that Vandy's HC was yelling at our defensive players all 4th quarter and about the illegal blocks. I honestly think that the Vandy coach approached TG the wrong way from the beginning. He walked out onto the field pointing and yelling about #36 and TG acting as a "parent" put him in his place. Should have been handled differently, but I'm not going to throw Todd under the bus for sticking up for this players.
No, not at all.......but YES, he should have handled it differently.
Like maybe in private in some way??