This post really hits home, there are quotes from different posters, all saying what we have all discussed this week. Like yankeedawg said, who in the world would have ever thought we would be an underdog to USC, much less feel like we have no chance in hell to win.
I for one used to never worry about losing to USC, Vandy, KY ect, but now over the past 2 years, we field teams that have no spunk, no engery, and frankly, they are boring. I am so tired of seeing 305 to 340 players get pushed around by smaller men. Our players have no desire to get in shape, you could tell that in the BS game. These players for some reason, just want to go out perform or do what ever it is they call them selfs doing and go on to the next game. I have seen quotes from players so understand other don't at the fans disappointment. As I stated on another thread, it was these same players that stated all spring and summer, that they were doing what ever it took to win the 4th quarter. Was this just all talk with no true results, well apparently so.
Did these players think that when they were gassed in the 3rd and 4th quarters, that they would not get questioned on their actions.
I know some of you older members can remember when it did not matter who we played, we always showed up and if we lost, it was close, we played with fire, we hit some body, teams used to be scared to play UGA. Now teams like NEW Mexico, Coastal Car, they can't wait for they might be able to upset a great SEC power. As sstated before, I know we have had losing seasons before, but losing because of poor coaching and lazy players just do not cut it for me.
Oh by the way, I wish every player on our team would read my post, for yes I am calling them lazy and non caring, this is UGA and its not all about them. Sure we have 3 or 4 players that want to win and be leaders, but they have no others that want to follow in my opinion. I wish our old junkyard defence would show up tomorrow and put Garcia on his back 7 times and hold ML to 30 years. I just have to face reality, that dreams don't come true. Still stick by my score USC 56 UGA 3.