I can't say that I disagree with you, YankeeD. I am sick and tired of the ineptitude on the offensive side of the ball, and lack of fire on the defensive side. The defense didn't play badly last week. But when you have an offense that stumbles all over itself in the back field and leaves the defense on the field all day against a good team they are eventually going to wear down. I'm an offense guy. I played offensive line, and my one year of small college ball I started. I know more about offense than your standard guy watching football on Saturdays. And I absolutely cannot stand watching stupidity. But it isn't all on the coaches. At some point players have to do the right things on the field. These guys just don't. They don't care, they have no pride. And while the coaches cannot go on the field and take the snaps, it is their job to get the guys ready so that they don't look like bumbling unchained idjits on Saturday. These are the wrong coaches and the wrong players.
I love Mark Richt and reserve my right to change my opinion based on the outcome of today's game and/or the rest of the season. I would hate to see HCMR go. But you simply cannot ignore or deny the downward spiral we're in.
Go Dawgs! Sic em! Please!
GATA! Woof!