My daughter teaches the fourth grade in Broward County, understand full well what is happening with the entire school system, colleges are not the only ones suffering by a long shot.
Don't get me wrong fellows, maybe I have not stated my case clearly. My main problem is not the schools getting the money, it is that plastic pair of handcuffs that are being applied.
I contribute to my daughter's room and school. Little things like paper and who knows what. I care about the young folks, and when I see some of the attitudes that surround us as wlayton suggests, it really makes me wonder about the future of our nation. Not trying to be dramatic, but it is as the keeper of the vault on this board says, watch out this is not good.
Have witnessed more than one change of uniform since the 50's with UGA. This one will not bring me to my knees . . . . if they win, wear them every game if it means a victory.
AllDawgs5, my single biggest gripe with Richt is and was this. When the wheels are coming off and everyone can see and feel it, ask for help. The same Book that he puts out for all to see tells him that. Maybe he has not read that part yet. Maybe McGarity read it to him. Know this, and have said it before, time waits for no one.
Have to say this . . . . feel that there is still one part of the puzzle that is missing. You know what part of the ball that young man coaches.
When the coach for Boise State is referred to it goes something like this. He takes the talent he has and makes it work. Whether that be a running team or a passing team.
We seem to do the same damn things year after year, and that does not require a lot of scouting by the opposition. Anyone know what play will be called with UGA in a third and 6? When Richt was at FSU, never knew what play would be called in that situation. Bobby Bowden made a huge mistake in his coaching career, he let Richt get away. Richt has made a huge mistake with his offensive coordinator, he kept him. Sorry, that is how I feel. Just know what I see. Eyes still good on this old fart.