AllDawgs5, in your last post you mentioned Nike again. I know that you coach football or did when you became a part of this board. Not only money in the bank for Georgia, it also pays the way for many colleges, at different levels. Said before, come from a publishing/advertising/marketing background. Know how the money flows from beginning to end. It moves up the chain, meaning folks like you and I, and others less qualified or more qualified are the basis needed by the Nikes.
A point to be rememberd might be this . . . . those fans that are sitting in the stands might not know anything about football, they are however in the stands. Without those fans (all of them) Nike is not a company. While Nike spends millions, who is it that is putting that money in their tills . . . .
Don't know if you read all the posts here on the board, sometimes I do post current events. Pisses me off, but I do . . . .
You and I have a difference of opinion on occasion, that is not bad. It is what it is.
It bothers the hell out of me when I see coaches making millions, not thousands, and not doing their job. I will wager this, someone higher up than Richt was not satisfied with the "lack of results". Especially when the talent is on campus. While you and I have been around since Richt came on board, we must remember this, although it does not go back into my days in the "dark ages", many of Richt's highlights in accomplishments came from players he did not recruit to wear the Red and Black.
I hear and read different numbers as to the win and loss column this year. For the record and I have said this more than once on this board. If a Richt led team with this much talent cannot win 10 games, somebody's butt is grass and I would play the part of lawnmower.
AllDawgs5, keep building those memories, who knows, one day maybe you will be able to spin a yarn or two to some of the young pups.