
New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow

13 years 6 months ago #37576 by AllDawgs5
Replied by AllDawgs5 on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
Ok, I can handle everything except the helmet. I am not a fan of the uniform. Don't like Red on Red, but I am a pissed about the helmet.

As far as what this has to do with Richt, you guys just can't wait to sink you teeth into him. Its either a uniform thing, or a what he said 2 years ago to the media thing. Don't always look to blame him. Go to a UGA game. Listen to some of the fans. More than half of them don't know a thing about football. I doubt he was referring directly to us. It also seems funny, how we can criticize him often, but heaven forbid someone criticize us. Guess its the ole do as I say not as I do motto. Can't help but wanting to sometimes say, "Pot meet Kettle"

Anyway, I have heard it time and time again, college football is a big business. (I agree). I am willing to bet Nike is probably our biggest donor. Nike says, look we give you millions of dollars a year, we would like for you to wear the uniforms once. Business speaking, I sure wouldn't want to jeopardize that relationship.

Players seem happy with them, so I can live with it. I will probably be pissed the entire game about the helmets, but I am guessing my frustration could be overcome by a dominant Dawg performance.


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13 years 6 months ago #37577 by BulldogShannon
Replied by BulldogShannon on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
I think they are cool.

As long as we win, we can wear pink pants:)

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13 years 6 months ago #37579 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
AllDawgs5, as DAWG1277 and others have said and much like you posted. We have our opinions,
that is what this posting thingy is all about, I think.

As far as Richt, he had a good run, and he did make some comments that I would bet you he would take back now. Sometimes my friend, folks get too damn comfortable for their own good and ours.

Might be a good thing that we have memories. You get a little older you might appreciate that fact. It is called a fact of life.

If you like, I will be glad to pull up some of your past posts, posts where you go from "for" to "against" the UGA situation. Guess those postings would be as you referred to "Pot meet Kettle".

Where you are pissed at the helmet, some of us were equally pissed about Richt fumbling the ball. As I see it, more than once.

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13 years 6 months ago #37581 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
thriller wrote:

wlayton, I SWEAR I was already going to post your EXACT SAME SUGGESTION!

Once again, from now on, I will be letting you do ALL of my thinking . . . friend, that would be a dangerous thing. :woohoo: :woohoo:


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13 years 6 months ago #37583 by AllDawgs5
Replied by AllDawgs5 on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
Buc, agree with a lot of the opinions. Many that are yours. I learn a lot from those on this board. Have said it many times. This is the best site in college football.

I have bashed Richt, and believe you me, he has to do a lot more than just win in the off season. However, the fact he lost his cool with the media, and said negative words about the fans is not something I am going to remember. I remember the bone-headed decisions in games. I ripped him on more than one occasion about them. Never denied that. I don't remember a time where I ripped him for the comment to the fans though. If I did, it was for humor, not from spite. Comment really didn't bother me. Unfortunately, there are many fans that don't know the game very well. Performance on the field has. I continue to be neutral because if he doesn't get the job done, I want him gone the same as everyone else. It only has to do with on-field results, not a petty comment he made about fans to the media.

I 100% agree, he has fumbled on more than one occasion. I am referring to on the field decisions though. His decision to wear black helmets against uf, was his decision. I don't think this uniform decision is really his. Money talks, and Nike pumps millions of dollars into our program.

Everyone has memories. Don't have to be of a certain age to have them. Will agree, you have seen much more than me, and I enjoy hearing stories from the past. The memories we are referring to with Richt though, I was around to see them.


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13 years 6 months ago #37585 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re: New Nike Uniforms Revealed Tomorrow
AllDawgs5, in your last post you mentioned Nike again. I know that you coach football or did when you became a part of this board. Not only money in the bank for Georgia, it also pays the way for many colleges, at different levels. Said before, come from a publishing/advertising/marketing background. Know how the money flows from beginning to end. It moves up the chain, meaning folks like you and I, and others less qualified or more qualified are the basis needed by the Nikes.

A point to be rememberd might be this . . . . those fans that are sitting in the stands might not know anything about football, they are however in the stands. Without those fans (all of them) Nike is not a company. While Nike spends millions, who is it that is putting that money in their tills . . . .

Don't know if you read all the posts here on the board, sometimes I do post current events. Pisses me off, but I do . . . .

You and I have a difference of opinion on occasion, that is not bad. It is what it is.

It bothers the hell out of me when I see coaches making millions, not thousands, and not doing their job. I will wager this, someone higher up than Richt was not satisfied with the "lack of results". Especially when the talent is on campus. While you and I have been around since Richt came on board, we must remember this, although it does not go back into my days in the "dark ages", many of Richt's highlights in accomplishments came from players he did not recruit to wear the Red and Black.

I hear and read different numbers as to the win and loss column this year. For the record and I have said this more than once on this board. If a Richt led team with this much talent cannot win 10 games, somebody's butt is grass and I would play the part of lawnmower.

AllDawgs5, keep building those memories, who knows, one day maybe you will be able to spin a yarn or two to some of the young pups. :)

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