born2bAdawg, truthfully I haven't said anything bad about the new uniforms. Poked a little fun at AllDawgs5 about the helmets.
I will never pull against the young folks that put their heart and soul into the game. While I have differences with some aspects of UGA football, that type of thing can be found in any business, and of course it does include football. (Which as we all know is a BUSINESS) just ask Nike. They offered the uniform deal to UGA, which is a very profitable BUSINESS, as colleges go.
My major concern is not the uniforms, it goes a bit deeper than that. I don't like the fact that the ESPN's, Nikes and others can dictate to any team, not just UGA. Of course we get the typical hype both from the school and the media about the players liking the uniforms. I don't doubt that for a minute. In business, that is the first step in joining the club. Once in, damn hard to get out. We can wager on one point. Richt did not call Nike looking for this deal, McGarity took all of those things away from him when he was added as Athletic Director. My bet is that Adams was approached first or jointly with McGarity.
It goes to a point that AllDawgs5 made, the schools want the money.
The Nike's, ESPN's and others understand that point real well. First they want a little, then the pot begins to grow. This is now a big boys game, much like professional poker, there are no limits, as long as there are returns. Never doubt that Nike and ESPN know that the returns are there and the colleges will begin to rely on them. That is when 3 Aces beats 3 Kings. Guess who holds the ACES . . . .
They can play the game in gym shorts is they choose, just do not ruin the COLLEGE GAME. Money in the wrong hands usually always causes problems, in the long or short term. Check Washington, D.C. and that is how the money game works. Who wins, the big turds.
Looking forward to the game with Boise State, might come down to the fourth quarter. They are playing into our hands, right. This year we have been told by all that are close to our team, we are a fourth quarter team. Feel sure in the fourth quarter in Atlanta, we will see the Red Team with their hands in the air with 4 fingers raised. Just a guess. . . .