Lol I love the new coke reference OldSouthDawg. Yes, thank God there are for only one game. Still doesn't make them any better, it's like going to the store dressed like a clown for one day. Our rivals are eating this up calling it a gimmick etc. With the uniform changes, they went to the well one too many times with it. The Bama game in 08 and Florida game in 09 really left a bad taste in everyones mouth.
Now, if you don't like these unis, apparently it makes you a "band wagon fan". Seriously? It seems to me that the ONLY people that like any of these crimes are bandwagon fans. You all know them, the guys that LOVE whichever team won the national title last year. I know a guy that has like 15 different teams hats from USC to Texas, Bama, Auburn, OSU, etc etc. What has the world come to?