I have been reading and see that more and more are coming around to my way of thinking. I have said all along, all this talk from the players means NOTHING. I have said all along, that you must show me things have changed, talk does not win games. The things that I have read and heard, means to me, that NOTHING has changed in Athens, sure we have not had any arrest, but still players are leaving, they are still getting hurt ect. Wemust have the worse or the most sissy players in the state. We also should have enough back ups that when someone is hurt, the next players moves on in.
I truely dread this coming season, for we all will have to watch our dawgs get drilled by BS,USC, and most likely every team we play with the exception of coastsl carolina. This my friends will be the worse year that any of us old timers will remember. Things will change in Athens next year, we will have a new HC and OC. I don't see them making changes in mid season, but they will come.
I know every one was so excited about all the talk of S&C, and the talk of new attitude, but as we can see closer to the season, its all talk, once again, its not about team unity, its all about me. Why can't they be a team, and say that no matter who is on the OL, we will block, Don't expect IC to do it all by himself.
Our program has gone down hill every year, and it is no ones fault but CMR, I want to believe that I am being to hard, and that things will be different. I still stand by my perdiction that we win no more than 4 games this year. We will start the season 0-2 and things will spiral down hill from there.
I wish I could be more postive guys, but I am embarased for our great program, and it just makes me sick to think that USC and even Vandy are making strides to over take us and put us in the bottom of the east.