ogredawg wrote:
Buc wrote:
ogredawg, appears that Samuel is about the same size as Lattimore. I have resigned myself to the fact that the change has been made. Hell, feed him the rock. Even JTII could not get this young man to fold. Lots to be said for that. 
this young man is a class act...."anything I can do to help the TEAM" says a lot.....gonna move him back to TB then agree Buc give him the rock and let him run with it.....he deserves the shot for his sacrifice for the team......
ogredawg another thing or two. Samuel is not chopped liver. Seem to remember him running over a couple of folks and one really long touchdown gallop. This young man moving over, three tight end sets, Richt calling the plays, who knows. Has speed, loves contact, maybe Richt has made a good decision with this call.
Coaches need to firm up that offensive line, get the young man from Jax Bolles to commit along with others. Let's not waste the talent of AM. AM and Samuel seem to be cut out of the same cloth as yankeedawg1 describes it.
You played, you know that 240 pounds of muscle coming at you, with speed, head on, scary as hell.
I am after one thing. Lets get the program squared away, meaning those that lead. No red panties. No more folks trying to lead and do not have leadership qualities (coaches). If it takes two years or whatever, just get back on solid footing. Saban did it, appears that Spurrier is doing it. Mississippi State did something that we have not done in a long time, don't need to break that boil open.
Read an article on the internet today that brought up the "hot seat topic". This particular topic did not mention Richt alone, Bobo's name was included. Time for the higher ups in Athens to step up and demand, not ask what next year's team will be or look like.
With you totally on Samuel, if I was still running my business, he would be first in line to hire. Damn these smart ass kids and their attitudes. Go to work, earn your keep. Time for the players to realize that authority and leadership matter. For their own good, and the good of the university and the many folks that put a few dollars in the coffers.