I'm sorry about this post. I hope it doesn't get me banned from the site, but I'm going to say this now, after reading the Buck Belue blog about Caleb King letting us down again.
This is a sad time in Athens, and I'm afraid it's just going to get worse. We have no tailback and the new kid coming in is sounding just like the one that left earlier this year, Washaun Ealey. These tikes come in highly touted and with their chests all puffed out and usually ride out of town on a rail, but not before dropping the ball literally and figuratively. IC came to town out of shape and sporting an attitude. That's just great. Someone is going to have to tell these children that the pros aren't looking for that cr@p. Someone needs to tell these young punks about Odell Thurman and what he threw away. But there is probably no point, they won't listen anyway.
We've lost almost our entire offensive line to either laziness or stupidity in the classroom and in the weight room. We're likely to lose - at least for part of the season, maybe the whole thing - a superman at LB.
Laziness and stupidity. I wish they would post THAT on the bulletin board in the locker room and post a mirror under it with a question mark on it. "Hi, my name is Isaiah Crowell . . . I'm cocky and haven't even 'toted the rock' one time in a red jersey, but I think I'm the greatest athlete who ever lived. I think I'll just walk in here out of shape and ignore JTII and just wait for all those division 1 defenses to simply bow down to me. I haven't yet decided if I'm lazy or stupid, but I'm sure I'm at least one of the above."
I have truly not been this pessimistic about an upcoming season - EVER. I am now starting to think we will barely even show up against Boise (a team we should have blown out). I'm now starting to think that will go the wrong way to the tune of 38-3 or worse. Then the "old ball(less) coach" will smell blood and come in to Athens and leave after handing it to us something like 63-7. Then the Chanticleers will come in all fired up and knock a 0 and 3 whole in our won loss record, and it will just get worse from there.
Maybe I just got up on the wrong side of the bed. Or maybe I'm just having a lucid moment and reality is just now setting in. I have never felt this hopeless about a UGA football season that hasn't even started. Someone haul me out of this funk.