OSD, think most are looking for change. By that I mean, if there is a problem, we can't wait for a coach to right the ship if it is going to take x number of years.
Appeared to me that McGarity did not call a get-to-know-you meeting with Richt to pat him on the back. My guess is . . . and it is without a doubt guessing, took all of the previous excuses away. Call it what you, I and anyone wants to call it, it was a come to the hard facts of college football and you are basically on "probation". You cannot keep hiding your failures and not face the truth. UGA for the past 5 years or so had the worst coaching staff in the entire world of college football. Maybe not the worst, but there were some elements that did not belong, and . . . . were permitted to stay and draw those paychecks.
If UGA did not have high profile athletes, then it is understandable. If we don't have the athletes then there is a problem. SEC is getting tougher, not only on the field, in the recruting wars. We had a good recruiting season, getting much of what was needed. If any of us think that the rest of the SEC, especially the top-flight teams did not do as well or better, check the stats.
The people that support football at UGA are not going to hang on by their nails hoping that a miracle will happen. Guess Abuurn had a miracle come their way with Cam Newton. Like it or not, they are steadily moving up in the signing of recruits. The mind set of many that are coming out of high school is to be associated with a winning program. Check Bama, LSU and others out. One good recruiting year might make many happy, did me, but Bama and others are doing this year after year.
Not to get too far away from what you posted and believe, check Richardson out this year at Bama, running behind an outstanding line. Alabama is a school, UGA is a school, both play football, see any difference. If we can't admit it, then we are what we are.
Like duck said. He is a UGA supporter, just tired of hearing the same old line. "Wait until next year". Show time is getting closer. No excuses, two institutions that happen to play football in the same conference. Alabama and Georgia, any wagers . . . .