DAWG1277, we are in the running, Alabama scares me and quite frankly every other team in the entire country wants him. I do know that we are recruiting him non-stop. This young man never sits on the pines, plays as a freshman, no doubt. Just imagine Vadal Alexander and Theus from JAX/Bolles lining up together. Even scarier, IC would probably rush for 2,000 instead of 1,000 yards behind these guys.
Another little tid-bit if some are not aware . . . . Ray Drew played a huge part in the recruiting/signing of Jenkins County teammates James DeLoach and Jonathan Taylor. This is the kind of camaraderie we have needed from our players. Looks to me that this "Dream Team" is serious about winning. They realize that more talent is needed. This could get interesting.
What is the phrase yankeedawg1 . . . .
Coach Them UP!!