Another commit that I am SURE many UGA folks are going to really like is Ramik Wilson. He is the same kind of player and basically person that AM is. Going to be real difficult keeping him off of the field. Probably spend most of his first year (freshman) on kickoffs, to be expected. Strong possibility for Red Shirt. I hope not.
Great thing here is that RM will probably end up as an inside linebacker, going to study under Jones, makes my day. Looking forward to watching MR. JONES in action this season.
One quick name . . . Richard Samuel, this is where I think an explosion is going to happen. I think he is going to be a terror, also think he is in the right position for his body type. Lots of speed and power for sure.
Question fellows???
You guys have to have someone that you are aware of or think is going to be special at UGA. Let's talk about it . . . we have a little time before Spring practice starts.
Fellows, appreciate all of you and really glad to consider each of you as my friend. Goes to show that good things do happen on the internet.