RabunDog, being retired, I do have time to look around. I don't know how much of that is true, I do know that the FBI is involved in this. That alone gets my attention. Mention of gambling money and that sort of thing, scary.
Think it was wlayton that said a few days back that there is just too much smoke here for there not to be a fire. I could stand corrected, think I read that.
Winning is a good feeling, especially when our team gets close to the "Big Game". If what is in the link that I posted is true, even portions of it, Auburn is in trouble like no other team ever in the SEC has faced.
averagedawg has been around for a long time also, and I have great respect for his opinions. averagedawg posted yesterday about the Pat Dye situation when Pat was at Auburn. Pat Dye was a great football player at UGA, just goes to show that folks can be touched, especially when it involves winning and losing. That is basically what this whole thing is about . . . . winning and losing. Does anyone on this board think that Auburn would be undefeated at this point if Cam was elsewhere?
Takes me back to Slive. He is a slick ass, of the first degree. He should be out front on this issue, and he is doing what, leaving it to others. Never liked Slive, with the latest ruling of okaying the hits on AM, say it again, he is a douche bag. Our new AD not wanting to make waves, bothers me a bit. There comes a time when folks have to stand up and be counted . . . . in my opinion, Mc side stepped the issue of Slive's ruling.
Look, I know that I am a bit more emotionally involved than some, meaning I have watched AM forever, know what kind of young man he is, comes from a family that is beyond reproach. Can't say that about Cecil Newton, pastor . . . . he did not wait to be approached, he was out in full force looking for the jack. I hope he gets JACKED UP! Stop for now, not through though.
RabunDog, appears that you read the link, thank you. Would expect that from you.