
Football Player Bartering

14 years 3 months ago #33127 by averagedawg
Replied by averagedawg on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
The wheels of justice grind slowly.
One can only hope justice is served.
I am glad we aren't in Auburn's shoes.

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14 years 3 months ago #33128 by RabunDog
Replied by RabunDog on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
Yo Buc - HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - You can't make this stuff up - this would make a good motion picture - if ANY of this is true - the DEATH penalty is on its way

Had wondered why the FBI was in on this - like it said - this is WAY bigger than just cam

At least sounds like bowden/tubs tried to do right

I realize that this probably gos on more than we would like - big money always attracts criminals of all kinds

I'm speechless - thanks for the link Buc

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14 years 3 months ago #33129 by averagedawg
Replied by averagedawg on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
If the worst case scenario is true, the SEC will not recover for a long time.
A truly sad situation.

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14 years 3 months ago #33130 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
RabunDog, being retired, I do have time to look around. I don't know how much of that is true, I do know that the FBI is involved in this. That alone gets my attention. Mention of gambling money and that sort of thing, scary.

Think it was wlayton that said a few days back that there is just too much smoke here for there not to be a fire. I could stand corrected, think I read that.

Winning is a good feeling, especially when our team gets close to the "Big Game". If what is in the link that I posted is true, even portions of it, Auburn is in trouble like no other team ever in the SEC has faced.

averagedawg has been around for a long time also, and I have great respect for his opinions. averagedawg posted yesterday about the Pat Dye situation when Pat was at Auburn. Pat Dye was a great football player at UGA, just goes to show that folks can be touched, especially when it involves winning and losing. That is basically what this whole thing is about . . . . winning and losing. Does anyone on this board think that Auburn would be undefeated at this point if Cam was elsewhere?

Takes me back to Slive. He is a slick ass, of the first degree. He should be out front on this issue, and he is doing what, leaving it to others. Never liked Slive, with the latest ruling of okaying the hits on AM, say it again, he is a douche bag. Our new AD not wanting to make waves, bothers me a bit. There comes a time when folks have to stand up and be counted . . . . in my opinion, Mc side stepped the issue of Slive's ruling.

Look, I know that I am a bit more emotionally involved than some, meaning I have watched AM forever, know what kind of young man he is, comes from a family that is beyond reproach. Can't say that about Cecil Newton, pastor . . . . he did not wait to be approached, he was out in full force looking for the jack. I hope he gets JACKED UP! Stop for now, not through though.

RabunDog, appears that you read the link, thank you. Would expect that from you.

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14 years 3 months ago #33131 by RabunDog
Replied by RabunDog on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
Buc - if this stuff turns out to be true - this will be a sad day for all of college football - this will not doubt bring in the oversight of the govt into college athletics - that will not be good - actually the players getting money is an oops - the really big problem for auburn is if they connect those dots between - the casino - the bank - tarp funds - political kickbacks - auburn athletic funds - then auburn will not only receive the death penalty in athletics (probably 5 years) - the university will run the risk of looseing its accreditation - if that happens - the sec will have no choice but to kick them out - again this would be a sad day for all of college football - and as we have said on here - too much money - lots of money usually attracts criminals of all types

Most of us on here have wondered why the fbi was involved and why there was this void time period between the fist notification by msu to the sec till now - well the actions listed in the article answers those questions

It will now be interesting to see how this all unfolds if true

I think ADMcG did not say anything because of slive fining um last year something like $30,000 for his comments - and guess since he's the new kid on the block so to speak - didn't want to get on the bad side of the slive

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14 years 3 months ago #33132 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Football Player Bartering
RabunDog, not going to say too much about our AD. This is what puzzles me a bit, and it has not been said in totality. Why did Cam leave UF? Lots of things can be "supposed" just strikes me a bit on the awkward side. Guess he did not want to play tight end.

Hard for me to believe that the folks at Florida knew nothing. At that point, our AD was working for Florida. Now we have a AD that chooses not to say anything against or contrary to what Slive is saying or not saying. I understand that Mc was not sitting in the big chair, however, it is a big office, secrets are hard to keep, and some things have to be said.

I would like to hear the powers at Florida say that the reason Cam left was because he was not going to be a QB, or a starting QB.

Does anyone think that Cecil Newton had nothing to say to the higher ups at Florida through a "runner"? He (Cam) was there, at that point, he was cheating, stealing and who knows what else. FBI will follow the trail left by those that were "too smart".

With the FBI now fully engaged in this "SEC mess" no one thinks that the trail started at Miss State, and ended at Auburn. Let me rephrase that . . . . I don't.

I do believe that this "SEC mess" will be taken care of quicker than the Reggie Bush fiasco.

It would be a shame for the Auburn folks that cheer for Cam, be delighted to see him play so well and then have the hand of justice come down and lay a SMU penalty on them. It ain't over folks, but it won't be dragged out like Reggie Bush and his coach that suddenly left and went to pro football. Slive stinks.

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