When the Atlanta Journal and the Atlanta Constitution were morning and evening newspapers, we in the Atlanta area used to get "real reporting". Furman Bisher and Jesse Outlar. Ed Thilenius on what was then Channel 5. Larry Munson was a sidekick at that point with Milo Hamilton with the Atlanta Braves.
All of the above mentioned reporters were excellent, worked hard, were true to journalism. Larry Munson carried that good work on for many years, as did Furman Bisher. The other two we lost to illness.
Most of the information that we get now from the "reporters" comes second hand, not like they are on the beat, and reporting. Can't call most of these folks "cub reporters" they don't rate that high . . . . most, maybe all have not served real time gathering information, confirming same and putting it in print.
Barnhart is playing the game of "show me the money", nothing wrong with making a living, a really good living. He needs to understand that it is not time in service, it is staying true to journalism, get the facts or . . . . shut your damn mouth.
Barnhart . . . jump on CTG.
Barnhart . . . dodge the Fairley issue, watch your step with Slive. Personally, I think you stink.