AD5, one of the problems that I have with the AJ situation is that he made a public statement that did not register for me. AJ said publicly that as soon as he had done the deal, he knew that he had made a mistake. Will leave that alone. However, this is what bothers me, these young fellows think that they are "street smart". The "Pimps" as Saban called them are . . . "street smart".
averagedawg, I watched the replay of the UGA/AU game this afternoon on CBS cable. Paid particular attention to Tracey Rocker. TR played very similar to the way Fairley plays, when he was in college. Had more than one penalty called on him for sure. They are not doing anything about this kind of play in practice. If so, this would not be so blatant. Notice two back ups were kicked out of the game for throwing punches. Dumb asses, fist meet helmet, helmet wins. Rocker is teaching that way. The scum, should not say that, the bad butts coming out of high school will go for that kind of coaching.
Also, went to the South Carolina site today . . . . they were all over the illegal hits that Fairley laid on UGA. Not like UGA and SC are the best of friends, just made me feel a bit better that another school called it like it is. Know that bringing attention to Fairley will probably help their cause in Atlanta, maybe forcing these SEC officials to make proper calls. I am aware of Pat Dye, for sure averagedawg.
NC_Dawg, Cam is on the same path that Vick was on. This kid will get in more trouble than the law should allow. He is leaving a trail, won't matter, he will get the money and then his "wheels" will come off. Enjoy Auburn, this could be a bitter pill to swallow if the dominos fall the wrong way.
Slive stinks. Why should we wonder about the comments from around the nation being hurled at the SEC? I have the answer . . . . SLIVE. Gold star for me.