Buc wrote:
When the Atlanta Journal and the Atlanta Constitution were morning and evening newspapers, we in the Atlanta area used to get "real reporting". Furman Bisher and Jesse Outlar. Ed Thilenius on what was then Channel 5. Larry Munson was a sidekick at that point with Milo Hamilton with the Atlanta Braves.
Awe the good ole days Buc - you are correct - in this day of 24/7 news of all kinds - lots of rumors get reported and acted upon before anyone verifies what is fact and what is fiction - used to you could believe most of what you heard or read - now you can hardly believe anything you hear or read - TB and his coleagues are just common tators - giving their opinion - you know common tator opinions are like a holes - all common tators have at least one
A few posts on here have made me think about something that I probably shouldn't think of - with all the money that is in college football now and the SEC in particular - you don't suppose that
Not sure bama can stop cam - their D is way off from last year - sure that they will not play 1st string much this week to save up for auby - should be an interesting game - am hopeing that bama and sc beat them - It's ok for the SEC to not be in the NC game in this case