Buc, you have a misconception about what me and wlayton are saying. I am not saying I am a die hard Richt man. I am a die hard UGA man. It would be just as easy to compare Richt to Dooley in their first 10 years, than it would be to compare him to Bowden at the end of his career.
I have about as much reasoning that Richt can get it turned around as others to believing that he can't.
As far as me not knowing the criteria of a Head Coach. Talk about making statements that you know nothing about. You have no idea what actual coaching experience I have. Don't sit on both sides of the fence with Dooley. If he was fired in the same time we are giving Richt, there would not have been an Erk at UGA, more than likely.
As for Richt messing up with CTG, I don't think he did. Believe a couple of months back you even wrote something how Richt was starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Proceeded to say that you knew there would be disappointments, but you believe UGA was going to be opening up more winning fortune cookies. Something of that nature. I agreed with everything. Grantham would be good, there would be disappointments, and good things are in store. I still believe that. That is basis for wanting Richt back.
Has nothing to do with an obsession with the man. If we could bring in a coach that was guaranteed to win a NC in the next couple of years, I would fire the man today. But there aren't any gurantees.
Everyone talks about a coach having to adjust with the times. Hate to tell everyone this but if a college coach actually physically harmed a player, not only would he lose his job, he would more than likely lose his house, bank account, etc.. Those things cannot happen anymore. That is the society we live in. Agree or disagree. Problems happen everywhere. Right now, it is happening at UGA. I believe Richt will get if fixed. Have a buddy that is an insider at UT, you wouldn't believe the stories I have heard about other programs and there ability to cover up trouble. Plus, you have to take a chance on kids. Yeah some are bad apples. All you can do is kick them off, and then watch them go somewhere else. Newton at Auburn, Saban going after Mettenberger. Why should kids really worry? If they get kicked off here, they will just end up at another powerhouse program. Happens all the time.
Here is the reason I think he should be back. He is molding Murray in to exactly the type of QB you need to win a lot of games in this league. Everyone can see that. He has that it factor that I haven't seen since David Green. Murray has a comfort level with Richt obviously, or he would not have been here. He hired a DC that I still have confidence in although I have not seen any significant difference in results. The offense has began playing good football. OL is starting to establish themselves and rb are running hard. I see a lot of upside. Upside that I think is worth taking a chance on,and I feel the risk to screw it up by bringing in a whole new staff is simply not worth. I think Richt realizes after this year he will be backed into a corner, and I expect us to come out swinging. There's your answer
As for motivation. I saw a team come out in the 2nd half ready to dominate Saturday. Yeah, it was the 2nd half, but the man struck a nerve. Just like he did in 08 against Bama. Believe I even heard him state at half time that he was going to have to go in the locker room and get into some peoples a**es. Only a fire can make a christian man cuss.