Unfortunately your attempt to create a dialogue not riddled with generalizations, failed! Like soooo, many other threads, this has become another "basher -v- bean" dialogue. Like the aisle that separates the Dems from the Pubs, the line that separates the naysayers from the sunshine pumpers is vast and I suspect NO ONE is willing to cross to the other side.....
However, in the TRUE spirit of you original thread, I will offer the only argue I believe answers, in part, why "we"; NOT ME, will be keeping CMR....MONEY !!!...I tried to post this yesterday on another thread but for some reason it failed to post. Right now, CMR's contract is at a point that CMR has leverage! Time will change that...
As I've said before, we will see CMR next season. Perhaps we will see a CMR that has had his feild leveled and riot act read, perhaps we will see a coaching staff that is breaking in a few news faces, or perhaps we will see the same old $&!T! Either way, CMR's seat is hot now and will continue to increase. Perhaps he'll turn it around, perhaps not! I suspect he will only have one more season to prove it. By then the finances will be more attractive.
....and to the Sunshine Pumpers,...I respect the zeal by which you defend CMR. Like your defense of Mark, I defended Willie...and my argument THEN was the same as it is now...Blame a player, blame a ref, blame a city, blame injuries, blame the weather, blame an assistant coach...the circle could continue for a decade or more till you find the courage to lay the crosshairs where they belong and squeeze!...You guys keep the faith, I expect nothing less. However, do not make the fatal error in believing that your stance is the only "true fan" opinion. Everyone here supports the institution and the institution is NOT one of it's employees.
Sadler, did you say you were going to the game this weekend? If not, I have a crew going into God's Country tomorrow and coming out Sunday. If you are in the neighborhood, drop by. Base camp will be at the end of FS 228....
GO DAWGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto