yankeedawg1, your stock just keeps rising. Don't mean to be mushy, you are what this board is about in my opinion. Would venture to say that NC_Dawg would agree.
There are some land mines ahead, beginning with Saturday night in Mississippi and looking at the remainder of the schedule, not pretty.
There is a ray of hope here, if these young men get on board, totally on board.
Not wrecking cars and missing football blocks. If you can run a car into another automobile, should be able to block and protect your QB, just called hitting something or someone. Disgusting on two total misses I saw WE make against Arkansas. Totally not impressed with what this young back is bringing to UGA football. Maybe he corrects it, should, damn good school for a damn good education. If you are afraid, say you are afraid. I am not impressed with his actions at school or on the football field.
There is no way that Coach Grantham will not change the face of UGA's defensive football team. You are not given the title of Defensive Coordinator at Cleveland if someone up the ladder does not think you are capable. This is not picking straws. Cleveland Browns have been going down hill since Jim Brown and before him Otto Graham hung up their cleats. That is/was a football franchise that had no direction. Will come back to that point.
Jerry Jones might be the biggest showman since Barnum & Bailey cruised the continent. Like him or not, you are not going to work for him if he thinks you don't have the "stuff". Dallas is losing right now, but I guarantee you this . . . it is not because of the defensive line.
Sorry to say, but two of Coach Richt's selections, selections that are/were right next to the head coach, speak for themselves. His choices in those areas remind me a lot of the current Vice President that we have in Washington. Another poor choice for the spot. My opinion folks.
yankeedawg1, there are a lot of us that are not ready to bail . . . just yet, but that slippery slope is getting a lot closer.
Coach Richt has a defensive staff that I think equals any in the SEC. We may not have all of the players needed to post 10 victories, but we have enough young talent to get this thing corrected. Correcting this "thingy" falls solely on Coach Richt's shoulders. I don't think that he fears that, I think that as averagedawg said, maybe he should be a leader in the FCA. That is a beautiful thing, not a shot at the FCA. I felt good when the athletes would meet in the middle of the field after kicking each others butts and hold hands and show respect to our Maker. Don't know if they still do that, if not . . . . ACLU WINS AGAIN.
One last thing. sadlerdawg made one of the brightest remarks concerning UGA football, this year's football team that I have seen. GO TO THE SPREAD. Don't waste AM's or other players talents trying to mold them into something that they are not. That is called COACHING.
Hard to stop when I start, as you know. Nice to have another "Grasshopper" on board that is 66 or better and not one of those 16 years olds that invaded the board the last couple of weeks.