Okay, so who do you exchange for CMR? I posted the stats as a response for the 6 of 8 losses in SEC games, but I'll say this too: last week, last year shouldn't matter in terms of next week. The past is an illusion, the future a dream. Only today matters (or this Saturday, in context.)
I'm not opposed to seeing CMR go, but I have much respect for the man and I won't slam him based on the fact that he had an 8 win season last year, and two in the last nine. I'm also mindful of the fact that if we have a bad season, we might get a change in coaching. 7 or 8 win seasons are frustrating because they are average, not really reason for a coaching change. 6 wins, and I'm sure we get a new OC. 5 or less, new HC. Even I know this, not knowing much about the game proper and only looking from a fan's perspective.
So who do we hope for if CMR goes? Hey, maybe Nick Saban will come over for a shot at winning NCs at three schools....
"The freedom of individuals to verbally to oppose or to challenge police actions without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state."