
Deja Vu'

14 years 5 months ago #31398 by NC_Dawg
Replied by NC_Dawg on topic This is why,...
I've stayed with since 1998/1999. You can post a thread, knowing it will likely ruffle a few feathers and return 24 hours later to four pages of intellectual dialogue. No name calling, no insulting, no personal attacks, the likes you will definitely suffer on a few of the other sites....Well done, gentlemen....

As for the replies, I mentioned Dooley, Goff and Donnan only to measure and compare talent, not records. I remember all to well the rollercoaster ride that was the Dooley era. However, what made Dooley an icon and forever separated him from everyone else was a National Championship. From 1980 on that NC became the barometer by which we measured everyone. Dooley only lasted a handful of years following his own success and that which he could not replicate, coupled with one Jan Kemp, hastened his demise. Had Goff or Donnan reached the same pinnacle of success, they too would be revered, rather than derided. As I recall, both had a season or two which came very close, but the cards did not fall in their favor, or perhaps lady luck chose to smile elsewhere. Funny, when you look at the near misses, the comparisons begin to look all to familiar....

Which brings me to my original point. I have NO desire to compare Mark Richt to any other UGA coach, what's to be accomplished there? Mark Richt isn't playing against ghosts and folklore. Mark Richt battles wits against the best of the best in the Nation and sadly has been bested rather regularly for sometime and its appears to be worsening. If I were to draw any UGA coaching comparison, I would say that we, as a fan base, have been far more forgiving and understanding of CMR's slide into mediocrity than we were with his predecessors. Had it not been for Mark's early successes, I suspect he would have been shown the door several years ago.

I deal with numbers everyday. With the proper set of statistics and a good argument, anyone can make anything seem plausible, realistic, even concrete. It is for these reasons that I rarily refer to statistics to make my point. Earlier, yankeedawg referred to a mentor who taught him some sage advice. Well, I had a similar mentor, my grandfather who was battle hardened and wounded in action in the Ardennes of WWI. He was a mean, tough old bird that lived out the remainder of his life as an oilrigger in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. He told me one thing that I remember to this day...."Always son, Always trust your gut!"...That is where I am with Mark. My gut is telling me that he has accomplished all that he can and what we are seeing now is what we are to expect. There may be a season here, or a season there that we challenge regionally, perhaps even nationally. However, Marks program is not now and likely will never be like the programs that Meyer, Saban, Miles, Spurrier, and a host of others outside the SEC aspire to.

Therein lies the question. It's a personal question that each of us asks and answers every season. No one is necessarily right or wrong, for it reflects what each may want for this program. For me, I want UGA to be more than a once every 20-30 year National Champion. I want UGA to be mentioned in the same manner that they discuss Texas, USC (of late), Oklahoma and alas Florida, and not have to look back to yesteryear and talk about #34. I want us to be feared, on BOTH sides of the ball. I want us to be what we have NEVER been before, a perennial powerhouse...and not the butt of Spurrier's off hand wise cracks...again....

Deja' Vu......

GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto

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14 years 5 months ago #31399 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re:Deja Vu'
averagedawg wrote:

I appreciate your opinion, oledawg.
However, every year is just more excuses.
I am sick of excuses.

Bottom line.....I love CMR and everything he stands for..... but I'm starting to reluctantly believe that he's not a great coach. With the players he has had, you and I could have had 10 win seasons......see below.

A total of 242 colleges were represented on Kickoff 2010 Weekend rosters. The top 10 colleges with the most players in the NFL:


Texas 40
Miami 38
Southern California 36
Louisiana State 35
Ohio State 34
Florida 33
Georgia 33
Tennessee 33
California 31
Michigan 29
Source: NFL

Tied for 6th with 33 players.....can't win with that inventory????


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14 years 5 months ago #31401 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:This is why,...
NC_Dawg, well said.

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14 years 5 months ago #31402 by duck
Replied by duck on topic Re:Deja Vu'
I to first joined year ago back when Elvis Dawg, Doc Dawg and I remember you NC Dawg as well as others I just can't recall their names. (old age is quess).

Those were 2 great post from Buc and you NC Dawg, I as I have said in previous post, have seen this program going down hill for the past several years. I understand that there are some that what to compare CMR record and say nothing is wrong. All I know if they can't see that the Ala, FLA, LSU , SC and evern KY are getting better each year while we continue to struggle. I am up set cause no one fears UGA, every team we play feels they have a shot at beating us. I try to tell my self to just wait things will be better. I look at the great history TENN has and how they are struggling, but they manage to beat the H--- out of us. I look at the problems the great ND has been having over the years, and Michigan. It still does not make me feel any better for we are alway in the top 15 or so in recruting and we should just reload.

I love reading everyone imput and like NC Dawg said we all get along whether we agree or disagree, we are all Dawg fans and the best and most passionate there is.


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14 years 5 months ago #31404 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Deja Vu'
Duck, pulled this from your last post . . .

It still does not make me feel any better for we are alway in the top 15 or so in recruting and we should just reload.

That is one of the points that NC_Dawg brought to the front.

When you have coaches like Saban, they do just as you suggest. Saban lost a lot of players last year to the NFL for the most part. What has he done? Reload. Why is he getting the type of players to reload with? Winning football games.

Bama currently rated #1 in the national polls, think that most agree, I do. How is it that they are playing like last years National Championship Team? Coach reloaded. Coach is winning football games and a lot of national attention doing so. That same celebrity encourages young, talented football players to enroll in Tuscaloosa. I am deathly afraid that we are going to see that again this year.

This weekend we will get to watch Arkansas/Alabama go at it. Arkansas will not run on Bama, that is not allowed. Arkansas will throw the ball 40/50 times and that is going to make it interesting to me. I will get to watch the 3/4 that Bama runs against Mallet and his receivers. I suspicion that it will be a better controlled and wiser defense than UGA's for a couple of reasons. The Bama defense has been in this 3/4 since Saban has been there. You have Saban and Kirby working in concert with each other, that is huge.

Coach Grantham spent time with Saban, seems to have a very similar style of teaching . . . no bs. I figure I will get to see what UGA's defense will probably turn out to look like with some time under our belts. Looking for coverages of those big receivers that hurt us this past week. Speaking for myself, looking forward to this game, should tell me a lot more about our football team. Never hurts to compare one's self against the best.

My Mom passed this little saying along to me around 1945.

Good, Better, Best, never let it rest until the Good is Better and the Better is Best. I have applied that over the many years to my military, civilian and business life. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones, I have been successful in all three. Thanks Mom.

Go Dawgs!!

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14 years 5 months ago #31405 by bulldawg36869
Replied by bulldawg36869 on topic Re:Deja Vu'
This is the attitude I am talking about

Richt said the team had to “keep grinding” and didn’t have any worries that they would. He sensed a strong work ethic among his players — hence the reason he didn’t feel he had to fire them up.

Read more:

Some are wise and some are otherwise !

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