Buc, I 'll tell you another thing that upsets me, we have always been a power in tennis, golf, horse riding, ect. I see where UGA women basketball got outest by USC, I see where the No 1 UGA horse team ggot beat by USC, saw today where our socer team got beat by USC, our football team has lost 2 years in a row. What has happened to our all round sports programs, and how can they contiue to lose to lesser teams. I know for sure, it is time for Andy Landers to retire, he is like CMR, can't get past the first round of playoffs. I mean we have won so many national titles in the horse events, that to let USC program beat us or move ahead of us is just sicking.
It just seems to me that USC is doing what ever it takes to go out and find coaches that can make a winning program. It seems that UGA is just satisfied with the same old coaches with the same old results.