ogredawg wrote: I for one am not going to put anything on the players.....they played thier collective asses off......CMR and Bobo lost this game......when we got the ball back with 13 seconds the sideline shot was CMR and Bobo agreeing to "take a knee" and play for OT win.....knew then it was over for us....
I actually didn't mind us taking the knee at the end of the game. I think it would have been
foolish to do otherwise. Turn it over, and MS is on our side of the field with a chance
to win the game.
What I minded most was in overtime when we intercepted, and all we had to do was score to
win. In that situation... knowing how badly Walsh has been this season, we don't even
attempt to move the ball... we run two plays (first play with our 170lb RB), lose 3 yards
and then send in Walsh to attempt a 42 yarder. That's not gimme' distance for any kicker,
and certainly not ours who missed wide right all season. Sorry, but I gave up on Walsh
about half way through the season. Not our coaching staff though... they continued for
the most part thinking that this was 2010 or 2009 Walsh, not the 2011 one who at best
was a 50/50 shot from 42.
I know Buc is a big fan of Friend... me, now, not so much. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying
this crap. We had a can't miss NFL prospect at LT named Cordy Glenn. On top of that, we had a center that many people couldn't believe wasn't a 1st team All American at center.
We also had a NFL prospect at TE on our line. Then the rest of the line was massive... biggest in football, and all that together and our O-line was really
that bad? Really? Really?? Sorry
Friend, but I don't see it. Right now on the right sidebar
of this site I am seeing an article about how
SENIOR Justin Anderson's career being
resurrected under Will Friend. Please.
Charles... WTF??? Let me repeat that.. W...T...F??? We didn't throw once to the TE.
Not once did we try and get their line backers off the line of scrimmage by pushing
it deep over the middle. WTF? I swear to God I think it was Bobo deciding since OC was going to leave for the NFL, he was going to leave him out of the game plan. How the
hell else can you explain not incorporating the TE into our plan? Please.. someone
tell me. I'm begging you to explain that one.
170lb RB's on the field when you need a few yards and need to hold on to the ball...
Not incorporating one of your best weapons into the game plan...
Trusting a crappy kicker to go out and repeatedly make 40+ yard high pressure field
Conservative play calling when you had them down and should have stepped on their
Pathetic. Just pathetic. I don't see any scenario where I will ever trust Bobo and
CMR to win a national championship. Never. Oh sure... we can recruit skill talent,
and win the east if we have a easy schedule, but that's about as far as I ever
see us getting with Bobo running the O, and unfortunately I don't see CMR ever
grasping that concept and wanting to do something to change it. I like the guy and
think he's great at getting talent in Athens, but he is soft, and he's way too
damn loyal to his loser friends.
I will say one more thing about AM. He has a gunslinger mentality. He will throw some
bad pics every once in awhile,
It doesn't help when your OC keeps calling pass patterns out in the flat when you've
done nothing all game to make the D think you are going to do anything in the middle
of the field. As we saw on Boykin's TD... the ONE time we tried something over the
middle, it was wide open. It was wide open because by halftime, State was squatting
on the flats outside and abandoning covering the middle of the field. Yeah.. when
the D has that mentality and you keep calling plays in the flat... you're gonna' eventually throw a pick 6.