So we end the year with a 2 game losing streak, guess it is a good thing we open up with one of our cup cakes. If we do not change OC, we will be no different next year and I don't care if we have the no 1 recruting class in the nation. Our offence against top teams and top defenses is terrible. We have no wins against a top 20 ranked foe. I dnn't know how good or bad Neb is, but USC put a wooping on them, and with that, will most likely be picked to win the east next year. I think conner shaw is playing better than AM.
I just think that there is surely other plays that we could have run, to pick up 1st downs, keep the ball away from MSU. I mean they either throw deep balls or turn and throw to the receiver yards behind the line, that play never worked, but they keep tring. I mean the run up the middle over and over, I wanted to go strangle BOBO. Why no slants, why no down and outs, why no throws to the tight ends, why not let the fullbacks have a carry or two.
All us fans need to complain, do not be happy with this 10 win season, and think things have turned the corner. We need to demand that BOBO be demoted, for if we were to play USC, Ala, LSU, ARK, ect it will be another lose. Right now, we a knotch above Vandy!!!!