duck, good point about Meyer and Malzahn. To their credit and I hate to say that about either of them, that is their "brilliance". They know when to "hold them" and when to "fold them". Check the corporate world out and what these two are doing is simply this . . . . replays that the "big boys and girls" do when the heat is turned up. They will drop you like a hot potato, or come up with ailments or whatever the cause to stay on or near the top. Self preservation, not TEAM PLAYERS.
Anyone believe that Meyer was going to remain gator coach with what appeared to be a serious downfall. Same applies to Malzahn. Single biggest issue between the two schools is simple to understand. Florida will always get good or superior athletes into their program, making them behave is another issue.
Abuurn will get good players but they will not get as many or as good, year after year as the gators. Wartdawg makes a very good point when he says Malzahn is using a program that is already pretty good that is and probably will be a stepping stone for him. He passed over the Vandy job, so he has his sites set on particulars. Not sure about his domestic problems. Leave that one alone.
One more point. These spread offenses took their toll on the football world. Actually created havoc with coaches that were not ready for this way of playing offensive football. However, we play some teams that use the system and while they might run up a lot of yards, we seem to keep them under us with points on the board. Remember, Coach Grantham is going into his third season. Does anyone on this board believe that with CTG's defense UGA will not be able to control or semi-control them.
Next year's edition of the CTG product should be and could be the BEST defensive unit EVER at UGA and I have watched several. That statement is made meaning . . . . overall defense, not individual defense.
RxCowboy on board with your posts.