Not too hard to come up with a site or sites that would hold and promote tremendous tradition. Also would alleviate some of the other thoughts as to why or why not. Home and home, seems to be working with the change of venue between Abuurn and Georgia. Just a thought.
Seem to remember Thomas Davis on the same wave length as some. Somehow got the feeling that he meant even though the game is basically just across the Georgia/Florida line, the mindset changes when leaving ones home state. Don't know, UGA has had many victories in JAX, LSU does not seem to have a problem with it at this point. Meaning playing on the road, out of town, another state.
Folks like us won't determine such things, know that the last few years there seems to be more controversy over the site. Losing as we have in JAX in the past few years could very well be the reason for attitude change. All of us football worshippers are fickle to a point, that I guess is what makes the game what it is.
We don't like the offense, defense, uniforms, players, coaches, school presidents, athletic directors and the list goes on and on. We however have not taken it to the point of poisioning trees. Just another topic for us to play with.