Mike this is where we play the coulda, shoulda, woulda. If we had anyone to line up in the backfield besides AM, this could be a contest. Still might be, hope so.
Richt, above all else hope your recruiting efforts pay off with a couple of young folks from North Carolina. Think we have the "big back" we need commited.
We are talking about going into the SEC Championship Game with no one to carry the pigskin. Injuries can't be helped, just need to plan ahead for what has turned out to be a group of backs that has little to show for a team that has won 10 straight games. Once upon a time UGA was known for folks that could and would tote that damn ball.
IC comes back and plays, guess that would be good, only problem with that is he has not had any contact for a couple of weeks. If IC is in the backfield, LSU will make contact.
Reading a lot of posts on this board and others, including the media folks as well. Now too many are saying that AM has to have the game of his short college career. AM cannot beat LSU by himself. Yes he has receivers, but these receivers have not faced a team as good defensively as LSU. Remember this also, Richt wanted to hire their defensive coordinator prior to Grantham taking the job. LSU upped the ante and John Chavis stayed in the bayou. He does understand that side of the ball. All of us know that.
LSU will run the ball downhill at us. We are bigger and stronger than before, but somehow we have to let the defense rest and listen to me folks, allow these players to (adjust). Hear many talking about our defense, we cannot play this game effectively if we are three and out on the offensive side of the ball.
What bothers me more than anything in this game, running backs. Offensive line might not be the best ever, but on occasion they do open holes. Need someone to step up and I am not sure how many able bodies we have for Atlanta.
Trying to be realistic, this is not meant to be a downer. I know a little bit about football and some things have to happen for the Red and Black to be all that they can be.
Next to last game of the season. Here is hoping that IC is ready and just does HIS PART. We need for this young player to step up and help the TEAM.